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Libros de Adam Morgan

  • A Beautiful Constraint: How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, And Why It's Everyone's Business

    • An inspiring yet practical guide for transforming limitations into opportunities. A..
    33,85€ 32,16€
  • Eating The Big Fish

    • 304 páginas
    • It contains over 25 new interviews and case histories, two completely new chapters, introduces a new typology of 12 different kinds of Challengers, has extensive updates of the main chapters, a range of new exercises, supplies weblinks to view interviews...
    25,51€ 24,24€
  • The Pirate Inside

    • 352 páginas
    • Most marketing and branding books fall into one of two camps: either they are about leaders or they assume that brands can be managed by process alone. The Pirate Inside is different. It forwards the idea that brands are about people, and Challenger Brand...
    43,52€ 41,35€