Amelia is a heroic Civil War tale of one womans search for her husband across the battlefields of America. The story culminates at the gates of the notorious Andersonville Prison Camp. In its two-hander form, Amelia celebrates the inherent theatricality...
In this installment of The Photography Workshop Series, internationally acclaimed color photographers Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, offer their expert insight into street photography and the poetic image. Through words and photographs--their own and...
Gathering some of Alex Webb's most iconic images, many of which were taken in the far corners of the earth, 'The Suffering of Light' brings a fresh perspective to his extensive catalogue.
The Suffering of Light is the first comprehensive monograph charting the career of acclaimed American photographer Alex Webb. Gathering some of his most iconic images, many of which were taken in the far corners of the earth, this exquisite book brings...