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Libros de Amos Tutuola

  • El Bebedor De Vino De Palma

    • 180 páginas
    • El bebedor de vino de palma narra las andanzas de un bebedor empedernido en busca del paradero de su sangrador de vino, fallecido repentinamente, en la tierra de los muertos. Un periplo por bosques, montes y aldeas en el que nos adentramos en un territori...
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • Mi Vida En La Maleza De Los Fantasmas

    • 152 páginas
    • El escritor nigeriano Amos Tutuola en Mi vida en la Maleza de los Fantasmas (1954) se basa en narraciones tradicionales de la mitología africana para contarnos la aventura de un niño que debe enfrentarse solo a los fantasmas que habitan la...
    15,90€ 15,11€
  • Bevedor De Vi De Palma, El

    • 127 páginas
    • Colección: L'arcà
    13,00€ 12,35€
  • My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts

    • My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Amos Tutuola's second novel, was first published in 1954. It..
    9,77€ 9,28€
  • The Village Witch Doctor And Other Stories

    • Yoruba legend and culture were the source of much of Amos Tutuola's writing and the stories..
    9,77€ 9,28€
  • Palm Wine Drinkard

    • Tells the story of an alcoholic man and his search for his dead wine tapster. As he travels through the land of the dead, he encounters a host of supernatural and often terrifying beings - among them the 'complete gentleman' who returns his body...
    13,12€ 12,47€
  • The Palm-wine Drinkard And My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts

    • When Amos Tutuola's first novel, The Palm-Wine Drinkard, appeared in 1952, it aroused exceptional..
    16,44€ 15,62€
  • Yoruba Folktales

    • The author ranks as one of the foremost living traditional African storytellers - as recognised by the acclaim of his first book, The Palmvine Drinkard. This book includes seven folktales especially for young adults, but of universal appeal. Beautiful...
    31,54€ 29,97€