Andre Gunder Frank nos pide que reorientemos nuestras perspectivas más allá del eurocentrismo y veamos el auge de Occidente como un mero accidente en lo que fue, y es, un mundo centrado en Asia. Se trata de un desafío hacia la histori...
Europa se encuentra en estos momentos bajo la amenaza de una posible guerra nuclear a la vez que sufre los efectos de la crisis mundial. Frente a este peligro de disgregación y enfentramiento, sin embargo, se apuntan sólidas tendencias a...
The four essays in this book offer a sweeping reinterpretation of Latin American history as an aspect of the world-wide spread of capitalism in its commercial and industrial phases. Dr. Frank lays to rest the myth of Latin American feudalism, demonstr...
Most of Andre Gunder Frank's early work on the. nature of underdevelopment focused on one continent: Latin America. Here. he broadened his canvas and traced the world-wide effects of the. process of capital accumulation from the period just prior...
Why, while Europe, North America, and Australia have developed, have Africa, much of Asia, and Latin America remained underdeveloped? Andre Gunder Frank sets out to answer this basic question by showing how world capital accumulation has led to the di...
A reassessment of global economic past and future. Abandoning common Eurocentric theories, the author sees the rise of the West as a mere blip in what was, and is again becoming, an Asian-centred world.