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Libros de Andreas Huyssen

  • Modernismo Después De La Posmodernidad

    • 248 páginas
    • Se muestra que la modernidad y el modernismo, con todas sus complejidades históricas y geográficas, siguen siendo unos significantes clave para todo aquel que intente comprender de dónde venimos y adónde es posible que vayamos:...
    25,90€ 24,60€
  • Usos Transnacionals Del Discurs Sobre L’holocaust I El Colonialisme/transnational Uses Of Holocaust And Colonialism Discourse

    • 56 páginas
    • Obsessions with the past are, after all, not limited to traumatic events and their often symptomatic and pathological effects. As critics of the culture industry will argue, any past can be used, commodified, distorted, marketed, reworked, displaced, indi...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Memorias Crepusculares

    • 394 páginas
    • Las grandes revueltas históricas de 1989, exactamente dos siglos después de la toma de la Bastilla, nos han dejado con pocas proyecciones para el futuro. Ni la victoria occidental en la Guerra Fría ni la unificación alemana...
    25,00€ 23,75€
  • Miniature Metropolis: Literature In An Age Of Photography And Film

    • In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Europe's modernizing metropolises offered..
    54,55€ 51,82€
  • Other Cities, Other Worlds

    • 352 páginas
    • Offers a look at non-Western global cities. This work focuses on urban imaginaries, the way that city dwellers perceive or imagine their own cities. It analyzes the effects of global processes such as the growth of transnational corporations and inves...
    25,62€ 24,33€
  • Present Pasts

    • 192 páginas
    • Memory of historical trauma has a unique power to generate works of art. This title analyses the relation of public memory to history, forgetting, and selective memory in Berlin, Buenos Aires and New York - three late-20th century cities that have confron...
    23,45€ 22,28€