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Libros de Andrew Sinclair

  • El Pergamino Perdido De Los Templarios

    • 288 páginas
    • Este libro asombroso es la historia de cómo un pergamino olvidado que se halla en la Logia masónica en Kirkwall, Escocia, se ha convertido en uno de los más importantes documentos de la Edad media por la información que contien...
    5,95€ 5,65€
  • Francis Bacon

    • 380 páginas
    • Biografía que recoge la inquietante trayectoria vital de este pintor. Su conducta al margen de lo establecido, sus preferencias sexuales, su turbulenta relación con un mundo violento, su actitud de rechazo y su desprecio hacia los honores,...
    21,00€ 19,95€
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Processes, Prevention, Protection And Monitoring

    • Neurodegenerative Diseases - Processes, Prevention, Protection and Monitoring focuses on biological
    205,58€ 195,30€
  • An Anatomy Of Terror: A History Of Terrorism

    • A disturbing and original history of the political use of terror from antiquity to the present day.
    21,63€ 20,55€
  • Data On Previous Extractions

    • The Mad Lab Coffee DOPE book is a data collecting log book for coffee professionals and coffee..
    20,99€ 19,94€
  • Battle Of The Anunnaki/pleiadian Gods

    • The Sumerian civilization is the oldest known human civilization on Earth. Their divine beings were
    17,90€ 17,00€
  • Gog (valancourt 20th Century Classics)

    • 468 páginas
    • A seven-foot-tall man washes up naked on the Scottish coast with no memory of his past and no clue to his identity except the words "Gog" and "Magog" tattooed on his knuckles. Knowing only that he must somehow get to London, he sets...
    30,79€ 29,25€
  • The Facts In The Case Of E. A. Poe

    • ’The book is a bravura performance, exhibiting the virtuosity that has lit up all Sinclair’s work.’ - C.P. Snow, Financial Times
    21,50€ 20,42€
  • Adventures In The Skin Trade

    • As a rule, a good novel does not always make a good play--especially a novel as unconventional as..
    14,46€ 13,73€
  • Prohibition

    • 516 páginas
    28,46€ 27,04€