La primera exposición en México del artista y activista Gustav Metzger (Nuremberg, Alemania, 1926) Debemos convertirnos en idealistas o morir en el Museo Jumex presentó obras que van de 1959 a las más recientes activaciones...
This book explores some of the forces that normally affects our well being but often times overlook as irrelevant. The writing is to the point, making it concise but presented with an enticing way to keep readers interested. It as a reality feel that brin...
A brief summary of eighty Christian doctrines, arranged in ten categories: Scripture, God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Man, Sin, Salvation, Sanctification, Church and Future Events. The book is evangelical, expository, apologetic, practical, balanced in its asse...
The Bible is continually under attack: Is it really the Word of God? Isn't the Bible full of mistakes and contradictions? Can't you interpret the Bible to make it say whatever you want? Didn't a fourth century church council decide which books...
How does the New Testament describe church services happening? Does a church follow a liturgy with certain set prayers, hymns and ceremonies? Does the Pastor or Minister decide what happens in the service? Do the elders or deacons organize the service...
The book of Revelation says that half of the worldâs population is going to be wiped out. At current numbers, that means three or four billion people will die. Imagine most of the worldâs great cities destroyed, their...
Old Sea Dogs of Tasmania Book 2 is a wonderful all new collection of tall tales and striking portrait and seascape photographs from deep in the southern ocean, where the Roaring Forties batter Australia's smallest state - Tasmania. Inside you will...
Atheists argue there is no proof that God exists. But the evidence for God from science and culture, from morality and history, from down-to-earth common sense, and from true stories of people who have encountered God, makes a powerful case that we cannot...
Old Sea Dogs of Tasmania Book 1 is a number #1 best selling title with over 6000 books sold Australia wide. Offered now for the first time to international audiences, this joyful collection of tall tales and stunning black and white portrait and seascape...