In the years following her role as the lead author of the international bestseller, "Limits to Growth"--The first book to show the consequences of unchecked growth on a finite planet-- Donella Meadows remained a pioneer of environmental and social analysi
"Complejidad y deporte" constituye una de las primeras obras que se han escrito desde la óptica de los sistemas complejos en el ámbito de la actividad física, el deporte y el entrenamiento deportivo.
El autor de Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts, con isbn 978-0-7352-1635-8, es Annie Duke.
Otros libros de Annie Duke son How To Decide: Simple Tools For Making Better Choices y Thinking In Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All The Facts.