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Libros de Antjie Krog

  • Quiero Ser Negra

    • 320 páginas
    • ?Quiero ser negra? articula en sus capítulos tres motivos diferentes cuya relación crece y se intensifica a medida que avanzamos en su lectura. El primero aborda la violencia y la represión policial, también la violencia ciudad...
    19,90€ 18,90€
  • Lady Anne

    • This is the first English translation of an award winning book published in Afrikaans in 1989. It engages critically and creatively with a key moment of colonial history—the time Lady Anne Barnard spent at the Cape of Good Hope, from...
    29,96€ 28,46€
  • Conditional Tense: After The South African Truth And Reconciliation Commission

    • When apartheid ended in 1994, a radiant optimism suggested a bright future for the new, unified..
    27,78€ 26,39€
  • Country Of My Skull

    • 432 páginas
    • Ever since Nelson Mandela dramatically walked out of prison in 1990 after twenty-seven years behind bars, South Africa has been undergoing a radical transformation. In one of the most miraculous events of the century, the oppressive system of apartheid...
    16,99€ 16,14€
  • 13,29€ 12,63€