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Libros de Arthur Koestler

  • El Dios Que Fracasó

    • 336 páginas
    • El dios que fracasó es una obra clásica, un documento esencial de la Guerra Fri?a, que reúne los testimonios de algunos de los escritores más importantes del siglo xx acerca de su fascinación por el comunismo y su poster...
    22,90€ 21,75€
  • Escoria De La Tierra

    • 304 páginas
    • En «Escoria de la tierra», biografía colectiva de la agonía de Francia, Arthur Koestler deja testimonio de la metamorfosis de un Estado democrático en una maquinaria totalitaria. Rescatar su atónita mirada ante la...
    22,90€ 21,75€
  • 16,90€ 16,06€
  • Memorias

    • 952 páginas
    • Las memorias de Arthur Koestler, una de las figuras intelectuales más representativas y sobresalientes del siglo XX, constituyen uno de los testimonios más lúcidos y apasionantes del pasado siglo. El presente volumen reúne,...
    34,90€ 33,16€
  • 34,90€ 33,16€
  • 29,95€ 28,45€
  • 18,50€ 17,58€
  • El Cero Y El Infinito

    • 312 páginas
    • Publicada originalmente en 1941, El cero y el infinito es la obra maestra de Arthur Koestler, un retrato estremecedor del totalitarismo y sus mecanismos de destrucción moral.
    10,95€ 10,40€
  • Las Raíces Del Azar

    • 224 páginas
    • Un estudio sobre parapsicología que defiende, en contra de escépticos y contradictores, su carácter científico sobre la base de una comparación de esta ciencia con los últimos descubrimientos de la física....
    10,00€ 9,50€
  • 21,15€ 20,10€
  • Reflections On Hanging

    • Reflections on Hanging is a searing indictment of capital punishment, inspired by its author's own time in the shadow of a firing squad. During the Spanish Civil War, Arthur Koestler was held by the Franco regime as a political prisoner, and condemned...
    23,87€ 22,67€
  • Drinkers Of Infinity

    • This selection of essays, book-reviews, broadcast talks and papers delivered to learned societies reflects the extraordinary breadth of Arthur Koestler’s interests. From the trial of Galileo to the pleasures of canoeing down the Loire,...
    17,24€ 16,38€
  • The Thirteenth Tribe

    • All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by...
    30,05€ 28,54€
  • The Case Of The Midwife Toad

    • On September 23, 1926, and Austrian experimental biologist named Dr. Paul Kammerer blew his brains out on a footpath in the Austrian mountains. His suicide was the climax of a great evolutionary controversy which his experiments had aroused. The battle...
    18,89€ 17,94€
  • The Act Of Creation

    • 752 páginas
    • The Act of Creation begins where this view ceases to be true. Koestler affirms that all creatures have the capacity for creative activity, frequently suppressed by the automatic routines of thought and behavior that dominate their lives. The study of psyc...
    37,25€ 35,39€
  • Promise And Fulfilment - Palestine 1917-1949

    • This book consists of three parts, "Background", "Close-up" and "Perspective". The first part is a survey of the developments which led to the foundation of the State of Israel. It lays no claim to historical completeness...
    40,10€ 38,10€
  • Darkness At Noon

    • 224 páginas
    • Darkness at Noon is set in an unnamed country ruled by a totalitarian government. Rubashov, once a powerful player in the regime, finds the tables turned on him when he is arrested and tried for treason. His reflections on his previous life and his experi...
    14,09€ 13,39€
  • The Ghost In The Machine

    • In The Sleepwalkers and The Act of Creation Arthur Koestler provided pioneering studies of scientific discovery and artistic inspiration, the twin pinnacles of human achievement. The Ghost in the Machine looks at the dark side of the coin: our terrible...
    20,30€ 19,29€
  • The Gladiators

    • The book is the first of a trilogy, including Darkness at Noon , and Arrival and Departure , which address idealism going wrong. This is a common theme in Koestlers work and life. Koestler uses his portrayal of the original slave revolt to examine the...
    21,73€ 20,64€
  • Janus

    • The most adventourous, polymathic - and readable - scientific populariser of the age offers in Janus a summing up of a quarter of a century's study and speculations on the life sciences and their philosophic implications. Koestler has an interesting...
    18,14€ 17,23€