* Envíos a partir de 18€ para España peninsular, Tenerife, Gran Canaria y Mallorca

Libros de Artimia Arian

  • ¡a La Vida!

    • ¡A la Vida! consiste en un amplio régimen de salud natural. Incluye un menú diario con varias comidas sencillas y opciones de jugos, además de una concisa descripción de las más útiles terapias naturales....
    12,19€ 11,58€
  • Recetario Guía Por Chakra

    • Recetas sencillas, clasificadas en función de su vibración o chakra. Aprende a armonizar tu flujo de energía vital con la comida.
    12,19€ 11,58€
  • El Camino De Vida Del Yoga

    • This book is for Yoga teachers. It provides essential tips on how to teach a Yoga class. It also has a whole section on live food and is ideal for the raw food novice.
    23,87€ 22,67€
  • Nutrición Vibracional Para La Nueva Era

    • Una dieta adecuada es probablemente el factor más importante que se debe considerar durante el tratamiento de cualquier enfermedad crónica. Al menos el 90%% de los padecimientos humanos han sido provocados por una nutrición fallida...
    13,68€ 12,99€
  • Citas Inspiracionales Para La Nueva Era

    • Hay un orden cósmico perfecto y la justicia divina perfecta es una parte integral y fundamental de dicho orden, pues ésta es infalible y demuestra la mano de la divinidad en toda la Creación. Mientras más esté uno adecua...
    13,43€ 12,76€
  • Redespertar Cósmico

    • Herramientas esenciales que te permitirán escuchar a tu Maestro Interior claramente. Un mapa sencillo para dirigir tu vida y guiarte a Casa.
    27,42€ 26,05€
  • Tashirat Recipe Manual

    • A simple vegetarian and vegan recipe collection which follows proper food combining guidelines, which promotes optimum digestion and absorption of the nutrients from the food you eat. An inspiring collection of cooking tips and balanced, delicious and...
    13,87€ 13,18€
  • Yoga, Path Of Life

    • This book is for Yoga teachers. It provides essential tips on how to teach a Yoga class. It also has a whole section on live food and is ideal for the raw food novice.
    23,87€ 22,67€
  • Chakra Recipe Guide

    • Simple recipes, categorized according to their vibration or chakra. Learn to harmonize the flow of life energy with food.
    13,84€ 13,15€
  • Vibrational Nutrition For The New Era

    • What I have termed Integral Medicine, is a comprehensive system combining Naturopathy (Natural Nutrition and Therapies - see Cosmic Reawakening), Homeopathy (a Vibrational Medicine system), and Cosmic Medicine. Cosmic Medicine is a Vibrational Medicine...
    13,52€ 12,84€
  • Cosmic Reawakening

    • The human body contains hundreds of concentrated energy center sites, which are referred to as chakras. In Sanskrit chakra signifies wheel. The chakras are centers of force, situated in the etheric body, through which we receive, transmit and process life...
    31,30€ 29,74€
  • I A La Vida!

    • ¡A la Vida! consiste en un amplio régimen de salud natural. Incluye un menú diario con varias comidas sencillas y opciones de jugos, además de una concisa descripción de las más útiles terapias naturales....
    11,16€ 10,60€
  • Cosmic Reawakening

    • This book provides clear practical tools for any sincere aspirant who wishes to connect to the Higher Self and higher dimensions. It guides the reader through the Chakra Life Lessons, enabling him / her to recognize which chakras are functioning optimally...
    25,49€ 24,22€
  • Yoga, Path Of Life

    • This book was written for Yoga teachers.It focuses on the true meaning andpurpose of Yoga as the connection toone’s Higher Self or God (in Chakra 6).The salient teaching tips provided aregeared towards improving Yoga classes,facilitating...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • To Life!

    • To Life! consists of a comprehensive natural health regime. It includes a daily menu with various simple meal and juice options, in addition to a concise description of the most useful natural therapies.
    10,81€ 10,27€
  • Chakra Recipe Guide

    • Chakra Recipe Guide provides quick and easy-to-follow recipes, categorized according to their vibration or chakra. Armed with the vibrational knowledge of each food item, one can utilize food to harmonize the flow of life energy, thus maintaining the body...
    11,00€ 10,45€
  • 27,67€ 26,29€
  • 38,92€ 36,97€