Experience the quirky, action-packed adventures of Maka and Soul Eater like never before, with this all-new, deluxe collector's edition to celebrate Atsushi Ohkubo's global hit!!
Kentaro Miura's legendary adult fantasy/horror manga is now available at its original published size in handsome deluxe hardcover editions, each collecting three volumes of the acclaimed series. Collects Berserk volumes 22-24, including three fold-out col
El autor de Soul Eater: The Perfect Edition 09, con isbn 978-1-64609-009-9, es Atsushi Ohkubo.
Otros libros de Ohkubo, Atsushi son Soul Eater Perfect Edition 01, Fire Force 19+cofre, Soul Eater Soul Art 02, Fire Force 01, Fire Force 34, Fire Force, Fire Force 32 y Fire Force 31. Ver su bibliografía.