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Libros de Avinash K. Dixit

  • El Arte De La Estrategia

    • 544 páginas
    • La teoría de los juegos significa pensar estratégicamente de un modo riguroso. Es el arte de prever los siguientes movimientos de nuestro adversario, saber perfectamente que nuestro rival está tratando de hacer lo mismo que nosotros....
    32,00€ 30,40€
  • Pensar Estratégicamente

    • 416 páginas
    • Pensar estratégicamente es el arte de ganarle la mano al adversario sabiendo que éste está intentando ganarnos la mano a nosotros. Es un arte de aplicación diaria, fundamentado en unos cuantos principios básicos que cons...
    20,00€ 19,00€
  • The Making Of Economic Policy: A Transaction-cost Politics Perspective

    • The Making of Economic Policy begins by observing that most countries' trade policies are so..
    34,14€ 32,44€
  • The Art Of Strategy

    • 512 páginas
    • Game theory means rigorous strategic thinking. It's the art of anticipating your opponent's next moves, knowing full well that your rival is trying to do the same thing to you. Though parts of game theory involve simple common sense, much is counterintuit...
    19,33€ 18,37€
  • Lawlessness And Economics

    • How can property rights be protected and contracts be enforced in countries where the rule of law is ineffective or absent? How can firms from advanced market economies do business in such circumstances? In Lawlessness and Economics , Avinash Dixit examin...
    61,56€ 58,48€
  • Art Of Smooth Pasting

    • This book aims to widen the understanding of stochastic dynamic choice and equilibrium models. It offers a simplified and heuristic exposition of the theory of Brownian motion and its control or regulation, rendering such methods more accessible to econom...
    539,30€ 512,34€
  • The Theory Of Equilibrium Growth

    • This book aims to bridge the gap between elementary and advanced textbooks on growth theory, and to
    47,58€ 45,20€
  • Investment Under Uncertainty

    • 476 páginas
    • How should firms decide whether and when to invest in new capital equipment, additions to their workforce, or the development of new products? This book provides an exposition of a theoretical approach to the capital investment decisions of firms, stressi...
    54,50€ 51,77€
  • Thinking Strategically

    • 408 páginas
    • Uses game theory to create a set of basic strategic principles for sports, politics, business, and personal life.
    20,18€ 19,17€
  • 79,35€ 75,38€
  • Theory Of International Trade

    • This book expounds trade theory emphasizing that a trading equilibrium is general rather than..
    82,20€ 78,09€