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World Enc of Destroyers and Frigates: An Illustrated History of Destroyers and Frigates, from Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Corvettes and Escort Vessels Th, Bernard Ireland
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This comprehensive encyclopedia focuses exclusively on destroyers and frigates. The opening section
El autor de World Enc of Destroyers and Frigates: An Illustrated History of Destroyers and Frigates, from Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Corvettes and Escort Vessels Th, con isbn 978-0-7548-3458-8, es Bernard Ireland.
Compra el libro World Enc of Destroyers and Frigates: An Illustrated History of Destroyers and Frigates, from Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Corvettes and Escort Vessels Th junto con cualquiera de los libros en oferta de la selección que te proponemos y ahórrate los gastos de envío
El autor de World Enc of Destroyers and Frigates: An Illustrated History of Destroyers and Frigates, from Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Corvettes and Escort Vessels Th, con isbn 978-0-7548-3458-8, es Bernard Ireland.
Otros libros de Ireland, Bernard son Barcos De Guerra, War In The Mediterranean, 1940-1943, An Illustrated History Of Amphibious Warfare Vessels: A Complete Guide To The Evolution And Development Of Landing Ships And Landing Craft, Shown In, The Illustrated Guide To Aircraft Carriers Of The World: Featuring Over 170 Aircraft Carriers With 500 Identification Photographs, An Illustrated Guide To Frigates Of The World y Illustrated Directory Of Amphibious Warfare Vessels.