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The 40-Knot Sailboat is for boat designers or sailing enthusiasts looking to maximize their sailing speeds and improve handling. Although he originally published this book in 1963, Bernard Smith had... Leer más
El autor de The 40-Knot Sailboat, con isbn 978-1-62654-930-2, es Bernard Smith.
El autor de The 40-Knot Sailboat, con isbn 978-1-62654-930-2, es Bernard Smith.
Otros libros de Smith, Bernard son Staffordshire, A Philosophy Of Information, An Introduction To Engineering: What It Takes To Make It, The 40-knot Sailboat, The Art Of Captain Cook's Voyages: Volume 3, The Voyage Of The Resolution And The Discovery, 1776-1780, Modernism's History: A Study In Twentieth-century Art And Ideas, The Ring y Easystart: Slave Boy Of Pompeii Book And Multi-rom With Mp3 Pack. Ver su bibliografía.