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Barbara Levineâs struggle with a then-inoperatable brain tumor led her to discover "seedthoughts" and "core beliefs" that link oneâs mind and body. She traced... Leer más
El autor de Your Body Believes Every Word You Say, con isbn 978-0-88331-219-3, es Bernie S. Siegel.
El autor de Your Body Believes Every Word You Say, con isbn 978-0-88331-219-3, es Bernie S. Siegel.
Otros libros de Siegel, Bernie S. son El Arte De La Curación, Libro De Los Milagros, El, Consejos Para Vivir Feliz, No Endings, Only Beginnings: A Doctor's Notes On Living, Loving, And Learning Who You Are, How To Live Between Office Visits, Recovering The Self, The Art Of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom And Potential For Self-healing y You Are Not Your Illness. Ver su bibliografía.