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Libros de Bill Perkins

  • Morir Con Cero

    • 216 páginas
    • Imagina que, antes de tu muerte, hubieras hecho todo lo que se te había dicho. Has trabajado siempre duro, has ahorrado dinero y has esperado con ilusión la independencia económica en el momento de la jubilación. Lo únic...
    15,00€ 14,25€
  • Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money And Your Life

    • 240 páginas
    • Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired.
    18,37€ 17,45€
  • Why Naked Women Look So Good: Understanding And Meeting A Woman's Deepest Needs

    • 122 páginas
    • The magnetism a man feels when he sees a woman's body, that sensual urge, the surge of adrenaline, dopamine, and endorphins, isn't only given for a man's gratification, but to be channeled by a man to love his wife.
    10,30€ 9,78€
  • 17,14€ 16,28€