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Libros de Chase Hill

  • Cómo Superar El Apego Ansioso

    • ¿Piensas demasiado en cada mensaje o llamada perdida? ¿Te preocupa decir "no" o sacrificas tus propias necesidades para complacer a los demás?
    12,02€ 11,42€
  • Cómo Superar Los Pensamientos Negativos

    • El pensamiento negativo no es tan simple como ver el vaso medio vacío. Es una mentalidad debilitante que se filtra en cada área de tu vida.
    12,03€ 11,43€
  • Cómo Hablar Con Cualquiera

    • Descubre cómo iniciar conversaciones fácilmente y hablar con confianza. Dile adiós a los silencios incómodos y a las oportunidades perdidas. Descubre el secreto para dominar la comunicación con quien sea y cuando sea....
    11,86€ 11,26€
  • Cómo Dejar De Sobrepensar

    • ¿Te encuentras despierto por la noche porque no puedes dejar de preocuparte por lo que ha pasado durante el día? ¿Cuestionas constantemente casi todas las decisiones que tomas? ¿Tu trabajo, tus amistades o tu vida entera te...
    11,92€ 11,32€
  • Cómo Analizar A Las Personas: 2 Libros En 1: Lee A Las Personas Como Un Libro, Entiende El Lenguaje Corporal + Cómo Hablar Con Cualquiera Y Mejorar

    • 300 páginas
    • Con un enfoque ligero y práctico, te enseñaremos a desentrañar los misterios del comportamiento humano de una manera que es tan entretenida como informativa.
    23,18€ 22,02€
  • Assertive Communication Skills: 2 Books In 1: Assertiveness Training + Stop People Pleasing - How To Stand Up For Yourself, Set Healthy Boundaries, Sa

    • 340 páginas
    • Have you spent the better portion of your life physically and mentally unable to strive for what you really want, passively riding the waves as they come?
    25,93€ 24,63€
  • How To Talk To Anyone With Ease: 9 Crucial Skills To Connect With People, Master Small Talk, And Have Better Conversations Anytime

    • 192 páginas
    • If you've ever found yourself freezing up while trying to talk to someone at a party, a meeting, or even while having a one-on-one with those you know, then you are very much familiar with the pain of not being able to communicate easily.
    11,92€ 11,32€
  • Stop Procrastinating & Overthinking: 2 Books In 1: A Simple Guide To Overcome Procrastination And Cure Laziness + How To Stop Negative Thinking And De

    • 287 páginas
    • Do you find yourself lying awake at night because you can't stop worrying about what happened today? Are you constantly second-guessing almost every decision that you are faced with in life? Do you struggle with overthinking and procrastination?
    25,67€ 24,38€
  • Toxic Minds

    • 210 páginas
    • Break free from manipulation and negativity - spot, stop, and sidestep toxic people without losing your mind. Here's how to reclaim the life you deserve.
    18,78€ 17,84€
  • Anxious Attachment Recovery - The 8-step Plan

    • 180 páginas
    • This book goes deep into the heart of anxious attachment, offering a clear pathway to emotional freedom and stronger, more fulfilling relationships with your partner.
    30,62€ 29,09€
  • Stop Being Toxic

    • 178 páginas
    • Are your relationships stuck in a cycle of negativity and misunderstandings? Ready for a change? Admitting your part is tough, but now comes the fun. Discover 7 easy steps to a brand new you!
    30,63€ 29,10€
  • Switch Off Overthinking

    • 174 páginas
    • It's no wonder your mind is in overdrive. The impact is real and tangible, with disrupted sleep, decision paralysis, and a pervasive sense of unease being common side effects.
    30,65€ 29,12€
  • How To Read People Like A Book

    • 178 páginas
    • According to renowned behavioral psychologist Dr. Albert Mehrabian, only 7% of messages pertaining to feelings and attitudes are in the words that are spoken. The rest are about the person's tone and body language when delivering their statement.
    11,88€ 11,28€
  • Toxic Positivity

    • Have you ever experienced job loss, financial difficulties, relationship troubles, health issues, abuse, or grief.. but felt the pressure to ’snap out of it’?
    11,90€ 11,30€
  • How To Stop Negative Thinking

    • There is a massive amount of shame that comes with negative thinking. You blame yourself for the intrusive thoughts that blindside you. You feel guilty for not being more optimistic. Its time to stop.
    18,88€ 17,93€
  • Healthy Boundaries

    • Perhaps you have an inability to say "No" because you don’t want to disappoint or anger the other person.. leading you to do things you never wanted to do in the first place..
    18,69€ 17,75€
  • Stop People Pleasing

    • Many people spend years putting aside their own wants and needs in order to please the people in their life and avoid conflict. Although there will always be situations where diplomacy is important, you cannot define your life through other people .
    30,62€ 29,09€
  • How To Stop Overthinking

    • Do you find yourself lying awake at night because you can’t stop worrying about what happened today? Are you constantly second-guessing almost every decision that you are faced with in life? Do your job, friendships or whole life seem...
    18,92€ 17,97€
  • How To Stop Procrastinating

    • Do you struggle with procrastination and laziness? Have no free time for your loved one, your family, your friends? Think that you are missing your life, limiting your potential? Feel overwhelmed and guilty about yourself and beloved people?
    10,38€ 9,86€