Lamar Odom es sin lugar a dudas el enfant terrible de la reciente historia de la NBA. Hijo de un padre ausente y drogadicto y una madre que murió muy joven de cáncer, tuvo que abrirse camino en el barrio neoyorquino de Queens, donde muy pron...
This is a book of letters I wrote to my daughters, starting when my daughters were toddlers and continuing for over thirty years. Writing "love letters" to your child is rich with positive long-term consequences. It is a chance to compliment...
Fame. Sex. Pain. Drugs. Death. Booze. Money. Addiction. Redemption. Dizzying heights. Rock-bottom depths. Desperation and elation-sometimes in the same hour. Not to mention power . . and the struggle for it.
My Cape Cod Magic is a beautifully illustrated beginning reader for parent and child based on an engaging poem and with fifteen, fine art, picture-postcard images of classic Cape scenes - reminiscent of childrenâs picture books more comm...
Enough peculiar occurrences happen in our lives to force us to consider, at some point, if spiritual things are real, not myth or fable. Is there really a realm of invisible activity zooming back and forth? Can we perceive it? Living as a Spirit seeks...
Winding through the uncertainties of life and weaving in among the weaknesses that plague you daily is a shining path. Your first step on this path is your first step away from the things you hate most about yourself, and your first step into the divine...