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Libros de Christopher Cantwell

  • Briar Nº 01

    • 184 páginas
    • ¿Y si la Bella Durmiente no hubiera conseguido su «fueron felices y comieron perdices» y se hubiese tenido que salvar a sí misma?
    20,00€ 19,00€
  • 15,50€ 14,72€
  • Sobre El Asunto Del Cadáver De Oswald

    • 152 páginas
    • El asesinato de Kennedy es un cúmulo de teorías conspirativas: la implicación de la mafia, el segundo pistolero, el encubrimiento del gobierno., pero la más importante podría ser la teoría de que el cadáver...
    16,95€ 16,10€
  • Doctor Muerte 1 Pottersville

    • 136 páginas
    • Encuadernación: Rústica Victor Von Muerte. Científico, hechicero, rostro desfigurado, alma retorcida. Ahora se encuentra en una encrucijada. Un catastrófico acto de terrorismo ha acabado con miles de vidas, y él es el...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 2: Another Piece Of The Action

    • 152 páginas
    • Still reeling from the battle on Qo'noS, Worf and the Defiant crew have been ordered to return to Starfleet headquarters. Despite their heroic actions, the Federation can't celebrate the crew's involvement in the fight against Kahless and the...
    19,92€ 18,92€
  • Star Trek: Day Of Blood

    • 200 páginas
    • Blood will flow in this first-ever Federation crossover event which pulls from the ongoing Star Trek space saga and the Defiant spin off graphic novel series!
    27,07€ 25,72€
  • Angel Vol. 1 (2022): Parallel Hell

    • Everyone's favorite vampire with a soul returns, hiding his secret in the spotlight in this new..
    13,29€ 12,63€
  • The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance To The Mask

    • The bestselling comic series that inspired the blockbuster film returns with gruesome..
    17,54€ 16,67€
  • Everything Volume 1

    • EVERYTHING is a gleaming new mega-department store that has everything you want.. but it might..
    19,51€ 18,53€
  • She Could Fly Volume 2: The Lost Pilot

    • Luna has crash-landed back into her life after spending a year in a mental institution..but..
    19,51€ 18,53€
  • Dc Pride: Better Together

    • 168 páginas
    • DC Pride is back again with a brave, bold, and all-new collection of stories starring DC's stable of fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters-many of whom will find themselves in thrilling team-ups the likes of which you've never seen before!
    19,33€ 18,37€
  • 21,38€ 20,31€
  • 14,58€ 13,85€
  • 18,47€ 17,55€
  • Briar: Vol. 1

    • An apocalyptically dark take on Sleeping Beauty for fans of Monstress and Grim!What if..
    14,50€ 13,77€
  • Star Wars: Obi-wan - A Jedi's Purpose

    • Fast approaches the ultimate destiny of one of the Jedi's most renowned masters! As Obi-Wan Kenobi..
    14,89€ 14,15€