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The complete readings for the "Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C, " as authorized by...
El autor de The Revised Common Lectionary: Years A, B, C, and Holy Days According to the Use of the Episcopal Church, con isbn 978-0-89869-555-7, es Church Publishing.
El autor de The Revised Common Lectionary: Years A, B, C, and Holy Days According to the Use of the Episcopal Church, con isbn 978-0-89869-555-7, es Church Publishing.
Otros libros de Church Publishing son A Time To Pray, Prayer Book Offices, Liturgical Resources 2: Marriage Rites For The Whole Church, Episcopal Church Annual 2019: General Convention Issue, Lectionary Texts Pew Edition: Various Occasions And Occasional Services, The Book Of Common Prayer: And Administration Of The Sacraments And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, El Libro De Oracion Comun: Administracion De Los Sacramentos Y Otros Ritos Y Ceremonias De La Iglesia y Book Of Common Prayer Chapel Edition: Red Hardcover. Ver su bibliografía.