Understanding your previous incarnations can turn into a fascinating journey of self-discovery and healing. You can gain insight into destructive habits that may have begun in a past life -- and then create a more positive and creative new life. In "Astro
Las estrellas y los objetos del fondo del cielo; galaxias, cúmulos estelares y nebulosas, forman el telón de fondo del edificio astrológico, el último eslabón de una cadena de hilos de luz que nos une con el cielo forman
El autor de Transitos y Retornos Solares, con isbn 978-88-964470-1-7, es Ciro Discepolo.
Otros libros de Ciro Discepolo son Transits Et Revolutions Solaires: Un Nouveau Systeme Pour Deux Methodes Anciennes, Lunar Returns And Earth Returns: Two Supporting Methodologies For Active Astrology, Die Transite Und Das Solarhoroskop: Ein Neues System Fur Zwei Klassische Methoden, Aimed Solar And Lunar Returns: What You Can Do When You Cannot Leave, Lunar Returns: The Many Things You Should Know About This Fantastic Tool Of Forecasting, Breve Storia Dell'astrologia: In Italia Dal 1970 A Oggi, Nuova Guida All'astrologia: Le Effemeridi E Le Tavole Delle Case y Che Cos'e L'astrologia. Ver su bibliografía.