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The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr ÔÇô Threshold of a New Decade, January 1959ÔÇôDecember 1960

Martin Luther King; Clayborne Carson (Ed)

Martin Luther King; Clayborne Carson (Ed)

Detalles del libro

EditorialUniversity of California Press
Dimensiones26x18 cm.

Detalles del libro

Autor/esMartin Luther King; Clayborne Carson (Ed)
EditorialUniversity of California Press
Dimensiones26x18 cm.
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"The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr ÔÇô Threshold of a New Decade, January 1959ÔÇôDecember 1960"
de Martin Luther King; Clayborne Carson (Ed)

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The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. has become the definitive record of the most significant correspondence, sermons, speeches, published writings, and unpublished manuscripts of one of... Leer más

Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-0-520-24239-5, son Clayborne Carson (ed) y Martin Luther King, esta publicación tiene seiscientas sesenta y ocho páginas.

Otros libros de King, Martin Luther son Antología Luther King. Un Sueño De Igualdad (3ª Ed.), Tengo Un Sueño. Ensayos, Discursos Y Sermones, El Crit De La Consciència, Negroes With Guns, Strength To Love, The Radical King, The Papers Of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume Vii: To Save The Soul Of America, January 1961-august 1962 y The Papers Of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume Iii: Birth Of A New Age, December 1955-december 1956. Ver su bibliografía.

Otros libros de Carson (Ed), Clayborne son Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Jr y In Struggle.

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