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Libros de Curtis Frye

  • Microsoft Excel. Versión 2002. Referencia Rápida Visual

    • 224 páginas
    • Aprenderás a:Encontrar los métodos más sencillos para completar tu trabajo con Microsoft Excel.Personalizar tus hojas de cálculo: formato, fórmulas y funciones.Añadir dibujos, gráficos y tablas dinám...
    22,50€ 21,37€
  • Microsoft Access. Versión 2002. Referencia Rápida Visual

    • 216 páginas
    • Aprenderás a:Encuentra la forma mas sencilla de llevar a cabo las tareas en Microsoft Access.Diseña y crea tu propia base de datos ahora.Importa o exporta datos procedentes de otros programas.Comparte tus datos a traves de la Web.Gestiona...
    22,50€ 21,37€
  • Microsoft Excel Step By Step (office 2021 And Microsoft 365)

    • 480 páginas
    • This is learning made easy. Get more done, more quickly, with Microsoft Excel. Jump in wherever you need answers--brisk lessons and detailed screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
    40,32€ 38,30€
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 Step By Step

    • 480 páginas
    • This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Excel 2019. Jump in wherever you need answers-brisk lessons and detailed screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
    38,68€ 36,74€
  • Microsoft Office Step By Step (office 2021 And Microsoft 365)

    • The quick way to learn popular Microsoft 365 apps! . This is learning..
    30,90€ 29,35€
  • Microsoft Excel 2016 Step By Step

    • 520 páginas
    • Now in full color . The quick way to learn Microsoft Excel 2016 This is
    23,84€ 22,64€
  • Privacy-enhanced Business

    • With more than 200 million people online and their numbers on the rise, growing also is a..
    121,57€ 115,49€
  • Brilliant Excel Vba Programming

    • There are an estimated 400 million Excel users, but the majority of them haven’t worked out a way to effectively use Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
    18,53€ 17,61€
  • Excel Annoyances

    • 234 páginas
    • It's the solution to almost all of your electronic organization needs. Need to present a detailed expense report? Try an Excel spreadsheet. Keeping track of a complicated budget? Excel to the rescue. Want to keep tabs on your office football pool?...
    22,55€ 21,42€