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Rewire Your Chess Brain is not your average chess book. It does not deal with opening theory or middlegame strategy. It focuses purely on problems and studies, all of which are the results of... Leer más
El autor de Rewire Your Chess Brain, con isbn 978-1-78194-569-8, es Cyrus Lakdawala.
El autor de Rewire Your Chess Brain, con isbn 978-1-78194-569-8, es Cyrus Lakdawala.
Otros libros de Lakdawala, Cyrus son Defensa Caro Kann,la, Defensa Eslava, La, The Anti-alapin Gambit: Death To The 2.c3 Sicilian, The Makogonov Variation: A Ruthless King's Indian Killer, Tactical Training In The Endgame, Nepomniachtchi, How To Beat Magnus Carlsen: Exploring The Most Difficult Challenge In Chess y Open Repertoire. Ver su bibliografía.