The Handbook of Alcohol Use: Understandings from Synapse to Society

Daniel Frings

Daniel Frings

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Autor/esDaniel Frings
171,60 €
1 a 7 días
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The Handbook of Alcohol Use and Abuse: Understandings from Synapse to Society explores an

El autor de The Handbook of Alcohol Use: Understandings from Synapse to Society, con isbn 978-0-12-816720-5, es Daniel Frings.

Otros libros de Daniel Frings son Psicología 100 Conceptos, Social Psychology: The Basics, Understanding And Managing Stress, Judgement: : 10 Judgemental Bias To Avoid. 10 Ways To Improve Decision Making y Better Influence: 10 Quick Concepts You Can Use To Persuade Others More Effectively..

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