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In this completely revised and updated edition of the breakthrough bestseller,...
El autor de Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Revised and Expanded): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus,, con isbn 978-1-101-90464-0, es Daniel G. Amen.
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El autor de Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Revised and Expanded): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus,, con isbn 978-1-101-90464-0, es Daniel G. Amen.
Otros libros de Amen, Daniel G. son Cambia Tu Cerebro, Cambia Tu Vida, You, Happier: The 7 Neuroscience Secrets Of Feeling Good Based On Your Brain Type, Conquer Worry And Anxiety: The Secret To Mastering Your Mind, The End Of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry And Helping Prevent Or Reverse Mood And Anxiety Disorders, Adhd, Addiction, Cambia Tu Cerebro, Cambia Tu Cuerpo, Stones Of Remembrance: Healing Scriptures For Your Mind, Body, And Soul, Memory Rescue: Supercharge Your Brain, Reverse Memory Loss, And Remember What Matters Most y Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: Revised And Expanded Ed. Ver su bibliografía.