In witch-haunted Arkham, a restless spirit takes possession of an innocent woman and brings havoc to all who encounter her. Inspired in part by H. P. Lovecraft's "The Thing on the Doorstep," The Revenant of Rebecca Pascal takes you to ghostly...
Simon Gregory Williams, known as the beast in Sesqua Valley, has been so corrupted by his reading and memorizing every existing edition of the Necronomicon that his tainted psyche cannot enter into Randolph Carters Dreamland. However, there is another...
The days of building a church, hiring a pastor and staff and finding volunteer Sunday school teachers and Bible study leaders, and then opening the doors and people come because thatâs just what people doâthose days...
A compilation of extracts from the first 20 titles in this series, written by true music fans and celebrating some of the greatest albums ever made. Strong design and the enthusiasm of the writing make this a great book for anyone interested in popular...