En El camino del hombre superior , David Deida explora los problemas más importantes en la vida de los hombres, ofreciendo una guía práctica para vivir una vida masculina íntegra, auténtica y libre. «Es hora de...
David Deida, un maestro espiritual muy poco convencional, nos ayuda a abrirnos a lo que parece carecer de amor y a abrazar los acontecimientos de la vida que normalmente evitaríamos. Se trata de un «despertar brusco» a través...
In the decades since the initial publication of The Way of the Superior Man, society has changed significantly. Issues of gender and sexuality long confined to secrecy have become part of everyday conversation, and rigid ideas about our societal roles...
The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for Men What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover? If youâre a man reading this, youâve undoubtedly asked yourself these questions - but you may...
Drawing on David Deidaâs own history of sexual spiritual practice, Finding God Through Sex presents a highly unconventional, liberating, demanding, blissful picture of what spiritual intimacy can be.
Meet Mykonos: scurrilous madman - and voice of truth. Wild Nights presents David Deidas remarkable account of his days with the unconventional teacher who revealed to him the deeper wisdom of the erotic path to the divine. From our very first encounter...
Are You Ready to Open to Loves Deepest Bliss? Every woman knows the fairy tale: find the right man, give him what he wants and needs, and hell love you forever. But when the myth youve been asked to believe fails to deliver - when you sense youve been...
You are deeper than your life shows, and you know it. You are more loving than your relationships allow, more brilliant than your career suggests. In your secret depth of being, you are infinite, creative, boundless - and utterly unable to press your full...
The secret to enlightenment and great sex is revealed to be one and the same in this groundbreaking manual for adventurous lovers. David Deida was trained for decades in the art of spiritual and sexual awakening. Now he presents the ultimate collection...
When it comes to sex, most of us want more. The question is: more of what? According to David Deida, when the depth of intimacy you've been experiencing is no longer fulfilling to your heart and bodyâwhen you sense that sexuality...