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JavaScript is the programming language of the web and is used by more software developers today than any other programming language. For nearly 25 years this best seller has been the go-to guide... Leer más
El autor de Javascript: The Definitive Guide: Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language, con isbn 978-1-4919-5202-3, es David Flanagan, esta publicación tiene seiscientas ochenta y siete páginas.
El autor de Javascript: The Definitive Guide: Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language, con isbn 978-1-4919-5202-3, es David Flanagan, esta publicación tiene seiscientas ochenta y siete páginas.
Otros libros de Flanagan, David son Rock Climbing In Ireland, Javascript - Das Handbuch Für Die Praxis, Bouldering Essentials, Javascript Pocket Reference 3rd Edition, Javascript: The Definitive Guide 6th Edition, Canvas Pocket Reference, Jquery Pocket Reference y The Ruby Programming Language. Ver su bibliografía.