In seinem hochaktuellen neuen Buch legt David Icke den Aufbau und die Methoden der globalen Elite offen, die in unserer Zeit grenzüberschreitend operiert, um eine lange geplante Agenda für die totale Kontrolle der Menschheit voranzutreiben. Den...
"Die Antwort" wird alle ihre Wahrnehmungen über das leben und die Welt verändern. Dieses Buch befreit sie von den Illusionen, die unsere Gesellschaft kontrollieren. Die Menschheit muss erfahren, was in diesem Werk steht - es gibt nichts...
David Icke has been writing books for decades warning that current events were coming. He has faced ridicule and abuse for saying that the end of human freedom was being planned, how, and by whom.
Billions seek the answer to world's ills, conflicts, prejudices and injustice, and David Icke reveals what that is in his appropriately named new book, The Answer.
He wrote in the 90's about the 2008 Banking Crash, The War on Terror, Transhumanist Agenda, Microchipping, the Cashless Society and more. In this Book he takes a look back at the event that shook the World in 2001, the September 11th attacks in New...
The vast majority of us unknowingly suffer from a slave mentality. We constantly experience the psychological phenomena of cognitive dissonance, where our beliefs and behaviour are in conflict, and Stockholm syndrome - the traumatic bonding with a captor....
Most comprehensive book yet written about the global conspiracy that is now unfolding all around us. Icke pulls together his fantastic wealth of accumulated knowledge to reveal the multi-levels of the fascist conspiracy, sharing his experiences & deta...
Advances the theory that the world is under the control of reptilian humanoid extraterrestrials who use religious, governmental and other organizations to conceal the truth from humanity by mind control.--From publisher description.
Lifting The Veil Reveals the truth about Big Religion, Big Government, Big Broadcasting, Big Banks and Big Business - all run by an interlocking brotherhood. In this interview by Jon Rappoport, David Icke names names, organizations and gives detailed desc...
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