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Libros de David Pogue

  • Tras La Indignación : Los Efectos Del 15m

    • 256 páginas
    • "Se cumplen diez años del surgimiento del 15M, diez años de la aparición de la «nueva política» y la indignación que hizo saltar por los aires el sistema de bipartidismo imperfecto vigente en España...
    21,90€ 20,81€
  • 20,00€ 19,00€
  • Magia Para Dummies

    • 370 páginas
    • Con la ayuda de esta sencilla guía, un poco de práctica y mucho talento para actuar frente al público, pronto conseguirás asombrar a tus amigos, a tu familia y a tus colegas mientras haces desaparecer monedas, levitar panes...
    16,95€ 16,10€
  • ópera Para Dummies

    • 420 páginas
    • La música es, ante todo, expresión, comunicación entre seres humanos, tanto da si la escuchas en un gran teatro muy puesto, como si la llevas en tu iPhone. No dejes que tus prejuicios contra la ópera (o contra ti mismo) te impi...
    16,95€ 16,10€
  • Música Clásica Para Dummies

    • 454 páginas
    • Agradable introducción a la música clásica, que presenta de forma muy comprensible las distintas épocas, corrientes, compositores e intérpretes para que el lector curioso pueda familiarizarse con ella. Anécdotas,...
    16,95€ 16,10€
  • Creatividad

    • 400 páginas
    • En este libro se analiza la creatividad, inicialmente según la versión que tiene la economía contemporánea, en el contexto de España y desde un triple punto de vista. Primero, realiza una aproximación cuantitativa...
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • Mac Unlocked: Everything You Need To Know To Get Cracking In Macos Big Sur

    • 448 páginas
    • Make the most of your Mac with this witty, authoritative guide to macOS Big Sur.Apple..
    29,01€ 27,56€
  • Paradigms For Decoding The Disciplines: Seven Steps To Increased Student Learning

    • Teaching and learning in a college setting has never been more challenging. How can instructors..
    25,39€ 24,12€
  • Classical Music For Dummies

    • Classical music was never meant to be an art for snobs!. In the 1700s and 1800s, classical
    27,07€ 25,72€
  • Macos Mojave: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been In The Box

    • Answers found here . Apple's latest Mac software, macOS Mojave, is a glorious boxcar
    29,01€ 27,56€
  • Paradigms For Decoding The Disciplines: Seven Steps To Increased Student Learning

    • Teaching and learning in a college setting has never been more challenging. How can instructors..
    90,68€ 86,14€
  • Os X El Capitan: The Missing Manual

    • 846 páginas
    • With El Capitan, Apple brings never-before-seen features to OS X--like a split-screen desktop, improved window controls, and amazing graphics. The new edition of David Pogue's #1 bestselling Mac book shows you how to use key new features such as swiping...
    33,84€ 32,15€
  • Switching To The Mac: The Missing Manual, Yosemite Edition

    • What makes Windows refugees decide to get a Mac? Enthusiastic friends? The Apple Stores?..
    29,01€ 27,56€
  • Os X Yosemite: The Missing Manual

    • 857 páginas
    • With Yosemite, Apple has unleashed the most innovative version of OS X yet—and once again, David Pogue brings his expertise and humor to the #1 bestselling Mac book. Mac OS X 10.10 includes more innovations from the iPad and adds a variety of...
    33,84€ 32,15€
  • Abby Carnelia’s One And Only Magical Power

    • One day, Abby Carnelia, ordinary sixth grader, realizes she has a magical power. Okay, it's not..
    12,69€ 12,05€
  • Imovie: The Missing Manual

    • 576 páginas
    • Apple's iMovie makes it easier than ever to turn raw digital footage into highly creative video projects-but the program still doesn't include a printed manual to help you get started. Fortunately, experts David Pogue and Aaron Miller are back...
    43,51€ 41,34€
  • Switching To The Mac: The Missing Manual

    • 781 páginas
    • Ready to move to the Mac? This incomparable guide helps you make a smooth transition. New York Times columnist and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue gets you past four challenges: syncing with iOS, transferring your stuff, assembling Mac programs so...
    29,01€ 27,56€
  • Os X Mavericks: The Missing Manual

    • With Mavericks, Apple has unleashed the most innovative version of OS X yet--and once again,..
    38,68€ 36,74€
  • Windows 8: The Missing Manual

    • With Windows 8, Microsoft completely reimagined the graphical user interface for its operating system, and designed it to run on tablets as well as PCs. It’s a big change that calls for a trustworthy guide- Windows 8: The Missing Manual . New...
    38,68€ 36,74€
  • Ipod: The Missing Manual

    • 331 páginas
    • Apple's iPods continue to set the bar for media players, with bold new features like the Touch's
    21,27€ 20,20€