Young teenagers Tom and Katie Morrison move to a new city, fearing boredom and isolation. But they find just the opposite when two unusual going-away presents and a mysterious forest become the keys to an amazing adventure that defies conventional explana...
Allison Walker is an enigma. It seems that the bright young owner of Rain City Yachts has another side to her personality-one irresistibly drawn to the field of medicine. Allison is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder and committed to mandatory...
In this sequel to Steller Woods , Tom and Katie are really into Northwest life. Their family has inherited a 58-foot trawler and they are ready for amazing salt-water adventures.
Don Thompson has always loved telling jokes. He used to have an uncle who owned a barber shop and would visit him there a couple times a month. They would sit and tell jokes. When his uncle passed away, Thompsonâs sister asked him to...
What if coins could talk?In The Adventures of Lucky and Nicky they can! And much more! On one hand, Lucky (The Penny) and Nicky (The Nickel) are like your typical 12 year old boys that like to run and play. But on the other hand, the predicaments they...
When Luke Mason learns of his brothers white supremacist connections, he and his family are horrified. Initially they treat it as a thorny but manageable political difference between relatives - a private matter - but as shocking new information comes...