Germs. Everybody has them! Some germs help people. Some germs can harm people. Add and subtract with tens as you learn all about germs. This nonfiction math book combines math and reading skills, and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach...
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet-but would a company by any other name sell as well? That's the million-dollar question behind every brand! More often than you may think, behind each brand is a person whose name may be better remembered...
There has been a lot of talk about "fake news" in the news lately. Being able to spot the difference between credible and non-credible sources is a vital 21st century skill to have. Learn the tricks and traps of deception and the skills required...
Knowing what to say in certain situations is important. But how we say things is important, too. This book introduces young learners to the concept of communication. Engage students in reading as they develop their comprehension and literacy skills and...
Everyone feels angry at times. Anger is a normal feeling. But you can choose what to do about it. This nonfiction book teaches young learners how to deal with their anger. Students will be engaged in reading as they develop their comprehension and literac...
Competition is natural among species. Some species get stronger, while others fall away. With TIME For Kids content, this nonfiction book teaches students about competition among species. This high-interest book will engage students in reading as they...