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After writing a successful memoir, Donald Millerâs life stalled. During what should have been the height of his success, he found himself unwilling to get out of bed, avoiding... Leer más
El autor de A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, con isbn 978-1-4002-0298-0, es Donald Miller.
El autor de A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, con isbn 978-1-4002-0298-0, es Donald Miller.
Otros libros de Miller, Donald son Un Héroe Con Una Misión, Simplifica Tu Negocio, Marketing Simple, Tal Como El Jazz, How To Grow Your Small Business: A 6-step Plan To Help Your Business Take Off, Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-step Storybrand Guide For Any Business, Building A Storybrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen y Building A Storybrand. Ver su bibliografía.