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Libros de Donald Tyson

  • El Tarot Del Necronomicón

    • 318 páginas
    • A principios del siglo XX, el legendario escritor de terror H. P. Lovecraft describió un antiguo tratado como «el innombrable Necronomicón del árabe loco Abdul Alhazred. un libro que nunca he visto, pero del que he oído...
    26,00€ 24,70€
  • Tarot Intantáneo, El

    • 267 páginas
    • La mayoría de libros para la enseñanza del tarot exigen que el lector memorice las palabras clave de cada carta. Con 78 cartas y múltiples palabras clave para cada una de ellas, esto supone tener que memorizar cientos de significados,...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • The Skinless Face

    • Fourteen spine-tingling excursions into realms of nightmare in the tradition of H. P. Lovecraft,
    20,06€ 19,06€
  • Tarot Magic: Ceremonial Magic Using Golden Dawn Correspondences

    • Say goodbye to ceremonial robes, incense, candles, and oils. Donald Tyson presents a new, easy..
    18,50€ 17,58€
  • The Lovecraft Coven

    • In recent years Donald Tyson has emerged as a leading author of Lovecraftian fiction, his novels and tales drawing upon his deep knowledge of esoteric and occult philosophy and infused with his powerful imagination. In this volume, two substantial novella...
    25,96€ 24,66€
  • Flashpoint: The Speculative Elements

    • Stories that singe The moment when everything changes..when things come together..and burst..
    19,29€ 18,33€
  • Runic Astrology: Chart Interpretation Through The Runes

    • What will the runes spell for your life?. Get ready to experience a powerful tool of..
    24,17€ 22,96€
  • Necronomicon Tarot

    • The symbolism of these vividly illustrated cards corresponds with astrology, the elements, and the Golden Dawn, while the 78-card decks structure honors the boundaries of traditional tarot. The book features detailed descriptions of the cards and the ....
    25,03€ 23,78€