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Self-Reliance; A Practical and Informal Discussion of Methods of Teaching Self-Reliance, Initiative and Responsibility to Modern Children; Childhood a, Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Self-Reliance; A Practical and Informal Discussion of Methods of Teaching Self-Reliance, Initiative and Responsibility to Modern Children; Childhood a
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El autor de Self-Reliance; A Practical and Informal Discussion of Methods of Teaching Self-Reliance, Initiative and Responsibility to Modern Children; Childhood a, con isbn 978-0-649-70157-5, es Dorothy Canfield Fisher.
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El autor de Self-Reliance; A Practical and Informal Discussion of Methods of Teaching Self-Reliance, Initiative and Responsibility to Modern Children; Childhood a, con isbn 978-0-649-70157-5, es Dorothy Canfield Fisher.
Otros libros de Canfield Fisher, Dorothy son Betsy, Dulce Hogar, A Aprendizaxe De Betsy, Five Hundred Games And Pastimes, Understood Betsy: With Original Illustrations By Ada Clendenin Williamson, The Home-maker, Understood Betsy y Understood Betsy - Illustrated. Ver su bibliografía.