Lila y Tom, dos gemelos muy especiales, un día comen una hierba misteriosa que los hace pequeños como ratones. A partir de entonces, pueden hablar con los animales del bosque y vivir aventuras increíbles.
El malhumorado mapache ha desaparecido. Hace días que los animales lo buscan y no lo encuentran. Los Minitwins descubrirán que ni lo han secuestrado, ni está herido, sino que.. ha aparecido una mapache de la que se ha enamorado. Bang...
Nereida, Ondina's sister and Mia's aunt, invites them to spend a few days in Mallorca. Her family and Mia's cousin Aina live there, in an apparently abandoned castle. But nothing is what it seems. It turns out that a builder is planning to...
Every parent knows the struggle. Many kids learn early on to use the "I don't like?." language. So often when a child declares that they don't like a food, they haven't even tried it. Or, they tried it once. Usually they're eyeing...
¡VIVE AVENTURAS INCREÍBLES CON LOS MINITWINS!. Una fuerte tormenta provoca que el riachuelo se desborde y amenace los hogares de los animales del bosque, que piden ayuda a los Minitwins.
Marina's father has died and she has to travel from London to Barcelona to receive a mysterious inheritance. Solving di erent enigmas hidden in the most unexpected places of the city, she will discover a secret that will change her life forever and...
Ahora que los Minitwins ya saben cómo hacerse pequeños y volver a ser grandes las hormigas les avisan de que Zappa, el ratón de campo, se ha metido en un buen lío. Al ser tan goloso se ha acercado demasiado a una trampa y ha...
Lila y Tom son dos mellizos de aprox 6 años que un día al comer una hierba misteriosa se vuelven pequeños como ratones y a partir de ese momento podrán hablar con los animales del bosque y vivir un montón de aventuras...
Book Day is coming up and at Mia's house everyone is so excited that Linus spend the day reading stories about princesses and dragons. So when the kittens Flower, Sunshine, Grey, Flash and Buf claim they have seen a dragon in the Little Red Mountains,...
Mercedes doesn't like to get up early. She wakes up grumpy and doesn't say a peep to anyone. She may looks like she is angry, but she is just a cranky morning person that wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every day. Until her best friend Matilda...
Nora, con su madre mayor, afronta un divorcio después de un largo matrimonio tóxico. Con la ayuda de los amigos, intentará deshacerse de todo lo que durante quince años la ha mantenido atrapada en una mentira. Daniel y sus hijo...
Vinyl has been behaving very strangely for days now. Maybe it's because his 7th birthday is coming up. But he comes and goes without explanation until one day he disappears. What kind of trouble has he got himself into this time?
Mía y sus amigos van de excursión a casa de la tía Obdulia, una bruja muy peculiar. Lleva unas gafas enormes, le encanta hacer hechizos para cambiar las cosas de color y reír. Pero en casa de la tía se oyen unos ruidos...
The wait is finally over! Here comes the third title in the series, the arrival of two newborns at once. A picture book about raising twins, feelings, middle childs, kaos and the fun of becoming a large family.
Mañana Sara cumple seis años. Toda su familia está excitada. A cada momento, le dicen que este aniversario es muy importante: que si se hará mayor, que si comenzará primaria, que si aprenderá muchas cosas en la...
Mía Fantasía series is about friendship, family, girl-power, love for animals and living together. Based on the framework of fantasy, adventure and mystery genres, the stories are full of humour and positive thinking. Chapters are kept small...
The magical early chapter book series by the bestselling author Elisenda Roca is aimed at newly independent girl readers, who have started to read on their own, but are still little and sweet and want their magic and sparkle. And yet a bit of trouble and...
The latest story by Elisenda Roca, Do Not Say Bad Words, illustrated by Cristina Losantos, is aimed at those early readers who absorb all the swear words and curses that adults say.
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