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Libros de Erich Owen

  • Psicología Profunda Y Nueva ética

    • 176 páginas
    • Perteneciente al círculo Eranos, ERICH NEUMANN (1905-1960) es uno de los más importantes representantes de la escuela junguiana. PSICOLOGÍA PROFUNDA Y NUEVA ÉTICA esconde uno de los análisis más lúcidos...
    11,95€ 11,35€
  • Los Orígenes E Historia De La Conciencia

    • ERICH NEUMANN (Berlín 1905 - Tel Aviv 1960), considerado por muchos como el discípulo directo más brillante de Jung, publicó esta obra en Zúrich en 1949. Neuman inició su formación en psicología,...
    35,63€ 33,85€
  • Learn Electronics With Arduino: An Illustrated Beginner's Guide To Physical Computing

    • This book is your introduction to to physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller..
    24,17€ 22,96€
  • Tranquility On The Razor’s Edge

    • In this exciting, thought-provoking new book, author Eric Weissman draws on personal experience, firsthand empirical research, and social theory to probe the causes and consequences of homelessness.
    33,05€ 31,40€
  • The Essays Of Erich Neumann, Volume 2

    • This selection of essays by one of C. G. Jung’s favorite and most creative students explores important connections between analytical psychology and the study of literature and art.
    156,43€ 148,61€
  • The Essays Of Erich Neumann, Volume 3

    • The Israeli analytical psychologist Erich Neumann, whom C. G. Jung regarded as one of his most gifted students, devoted much of his later writing to the theme of creativity. This is the third volume of Neumann’s essays on that subject....
    229,13€ 217,68€
  • The Essays Of Erich Neumann, Volume 3

    • The Israeli analytical psychologist Erich Neumann, whom C. G. Jung regarded as one of his most gifted students, devoted much of his later writing to the theme of creativity. This is the third volume of Neumann’s essays on that subject....
    89,40€ 84,93€
  • The Essays Of Erich Neumann, Volume 2

    • This selection of essays by one of C. G. Jung’s favorite and most creative students explores important connections between analytical psychology and the study of literature and art.
    65,09€ 61,84€
  • Jacob & Esau

    • In 1934, Erich Neumann, considered by many to have been Carl Gustav Jungs foremost disciple,. sent Jung a handwritten note: "I will pursue your suggestion of elaborating on the Symbolic. Contributions to the Jacob-Esau problem . . The great difficulty...
    37,25€ 35,39€
  • The Great Mother: An Analysis Of The Archetype

    • 624 páginas
    • This landmark book explores the Great Mother as a primordial image of the human psyche. Here the renowned analytical psychologist Erich Neumann draws on ritual, mythology, art, and records of dreams and fantasies to examine how this archetype has been...
    25,25€ 23,99€
  • The Origins And History Of Consciousness

    • The Origins and History of Consciousness draws on a full range of world mythology to show
    20,37€ 19,35€
  • The Fear Of The Feminine

    • These essays by the famous analytical psychologist and student of creativity Erich Neumann belong in the context of the depth psychology of culture and reveal a prescient concern about the one-sidedness of patriarchal Western civilization. Neumann recomme...
    52,66€ 50,02€
  • Kunst Und Schöpferisches Unbewusstes

    • 174 páginas
    • Dieser Band vereint drei klassische Aufsätze Erich Neumanns über die Beziehung des Künstlers zur Gesellschaft. In der künstlerischen Arbeit finden nach Neumann die ursprünglich formlosen archetypischen Inhalte für den jeweili...
    25,76€ 24,47€
  • Amor And Psyche

    • The renowned tale of Amor and Psyche, from Apuleius’s second-century Latin novel The Golden Ass , is one of the most charming fragments of classical literature. Neumann chose it as the exemplar of an unusual study of feminine psychology....
    43,52€ 41,35€
  • The Essays Of Erich Neumann, Volume 1

    • 246 páginas
    • Four essays on the psychological aspects of art. A study of Leonardo treats the work of art, and art itself, not as ends in themselves, but rather as instruments of the artist's inner situation. Two other essays discuss the relation of art to its epoch...
    65,41€ 62,14€