* Envíos a partir de 18€ para España peninsular, Tenerife, Gran Canaria y Mallorca

Libros de Erika Fischer-Lichte

  • Estética De Lo Performativo

    • 432 páginas
    • Esta Estética de lo performativo, que presentamos ahora en español con una introducción de Óscar Cornago y que fue publicada en Alemania en 2004, se ocupa de los problemas fundamentales de las realizaciones escénicas...
    24,00€ 22,80€
  • Dionysus Resurrected

    • 264 páginas
    • Dionysus Resurrected analyzes the global resurgence since the late 1960s of Euripides’ The Bacchae . By analyzing and contextualizing these modern day performances, the author reveals striking parallels between transformational events...
    85,70€ 81,41€
  • The Semiotics Of Theater

    • Fischer-Lichte describes the different cultural systems that can be employed as theatrical..
    48,30€ 45,88€
  • Semiotik Des Theaters 1

    • 268 páginas
    • Das Theater erscheint wie Roland Barthes festgestellt hat, als ein besonders "privilegiertes semiologisches Objekt". Denn es arbeitet nicht nur wie andere Kunstgattungen - z.B. Literatur und Malerei - mit einem einzigen Zeichensystem, sondern...
    15,22€ 14,45€
  • Theatre, Sacrifice, Ritual

    • 240 páginas
    • In this fascinating volume, acclaimed theatre historian Erika Fischer-Lichte reflects on the role and meaning accorded to the theme of sacrifice in Western cultures as mirrored in particular fusions of theatre and ritual. Theatre, Sacrifice, Ritual presen...
    179,05€ 170,09€
  • History Of European Drama And Theatre

    • This major study reconstructs the vast history of European drama from Greek tragedy through to twentieth-century theatre, focusing on the subject of identity. Throughout history, drama has performed and represented political, religious, national, ethnic,...
    79,22€ 75,26€