Esta Estética de lo performativo, que presentamos ahora en español con una introducción de Óscar Cornago y que fue publicada en Alemania en 2004, se ocupa de los problemas fundamentales de las realizaciones escénicas...
Dionysus Resurrected analyzes the global resurgence since the late 1960s of Euripidesâ The Bacchae . By analyzing and contextualizing these modern day performances, the author reveals striking parallels between transformational events...
Das Theater erscheint wie Roland Barthes festgestellt hat, als ein besonders "privilegiertes semiologisches Objekt". Denn es arbeitet nicht nur wie andere Kunstgattungen - z.B. Literatur und Malerei - mit einem einzigen Zeichensystem, sondern...
In this fascinating volume, acclaimed theatre historian Erika Fischer-Lichte reflects on the role and meaning accorded to the theme of sacrifice in Western cultures as mirrored in particular fusions of theatre and ritual. Theatre, Sacrifice, Ritual presen...
This major study reconstructs the vast history of European drama from Greek tragedy through to twentieth-century theatre, focusing on the subject of identity. Throughout history, drama has performed and represented political, religious, national, ethnic,...