La experiencia mística suele presentarse como una vivencia intensa que implica la unificación personal con la Realidad divina o última. Pero, aunque en este sentido «sólo los místicos pueden hablar y escribir sobre...
La vida espiritual no es una carrera especial que implique la abstracción del mundo de las cosas ni envuelve a sus iniciados en una calma sobrenatural, aislándolos del dolor y el esfuerzo cotidiano. La conciencia mística forma parte...
Regarded by many as the 20th Centuryâs finest practitioner and ablest teacher of Traditional Christian Mysticism, Evelyn Underwood draws from the lives and writings of such beloved Catholic Saints as St. Teresa, St. Augustine, St. Cather...
Practical Mysticism is an outstanding guide to experiencing and understanding mystical experiences by renowned scholar Evelyn Underhill.Underhillâs books are appreciated and praised to this day by scholars and enthusiasts of spiritualism...
Evelyn Underhill was one of the greatest spiritual writers of the twentieth century. Her legacy as a pivotal figure in Christian mysticism endures today. For her, true mysticism is first of all active and practical, an organic life process in which the...
Books that are Song Book and books about Singing contain notes and lyrics for songs sung in solo, choir or group formations, and provide advice on singing technique to singers. Titles include: A book of Highland minstrelsy, A Treatise on Singing, Chansons...
Underhill was a leading authority on modern mysticism. Written just before World War 1, Practical Mysticism reviews the works of the greatest Western mystics, including Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, and Thomas à Kempis. Underhill brings esote...
An in-depth and comprehensive exploration of the subject of mysticism. Part One examines "the mystic fact", explaining the relation of mysticism to vitalism, to psychology, to theology, to symbolism and to magic. Part Two, "the mystic way",...
Acknowledged as one of the most profound modern commentators on Christian mysticism, Evelyn Underhill did not easily find her own spiritual path. Between 1911 and 1921 she wrestled to understand spiritual experiences via academic research into early Chris...