\"Pensar en ellos\", dicen los autores del presente libro,es la mejor manera que los padres tenemos para ayudar a nuestros hijos en la decisión de su futuro profesional
Anna Wodehouse, a.k.a. Carpenter Poole, is on her way north. With the long shadow of HALON receding in the distance like a fading nightmare, she heads to Vancouver hoping to find the closure that has eluded her.
So says the warden of ADX Florence, the prison known also as the Supermax. Anna Wodehouse knows better. While she might be a victim she feels she is anything but innocent.
Anna, sure that her father would never abandon her, spends years waiting for his return. Seven years later, Anna receives a package: a mysterious man has found him. The man also wants to grant her a wish: to track down, and kill, her father.