El autor plantea la necesidad de desarrollar y aplicar un currículo de educación global que permita convertir al alumnado en ciudadanas y ciudadanos del mundo.
Existe un consenso amplio en el plano internacional sobre el doble desafío que la pandemia del Coronavirus dejará tras de sí: la mejora necesaria de la calidad de la educación y las restricciones de recursos disponibles para...
Las escuelas en América Latina están frente a una encrucijada: la de reproducir sociedades marcadas por los mayores niveles de desigualdad social del mundo o la de contribuir a hacer sociedades mas justas y solidarias. Para hacer lo segundo...
This open access book is a comparative analysis of recent large scale education reforms that broadened curriculum goals to better prepare students for the 21st century. The book examines what governments actually do when they broaden curriculum goals,...
This open access book offers a comparative study of eight ambitious national reforms that sought to create opportunities for students to gain the necessary breath of skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world. It examines how national governments transf...
When a group of educators from Massachusetts traveled to Singapore to visit schools and talk to teachers, teacher educators, and school and system-level leaders in the fall of 2015, they were determined to learn how Singapore had built a high-performing...