El inicio de los procesos de independencia de las repúblicas americanas en 1810 supuso un revulsivo social y político que transformó estos territorios y generó una nueva dinámica de relación con España....
Els diversos autors que acull aquesta obra realitzen una profunda anàlisi dels canvis a què haurà de fer front la televisió local davant la reconversió a la tecnologia digital. Es presenten els nous models de gesti&oacut...
La situació actual i les perspectives de futur del periodisme local a Espanya, s'analitzen en aquest volum, per ser aquest un dels països europeus amb major penetració de la premsa gratuïta i on la comunicació mitjanç...
Wences Rambla (1948-2023) vivía el arte desde muchas facetas, como pintor y también como fotógrafo. Como catedrático de Estética y Teoría de las Artes ejerció en la Universitat Jaume I durante década...
Concepts such as visual identity, corporate reputation, social responsibility, brands, or relationships with the media are approached from the perspective of those corporations which carry out their activity in a local domain, and especially from the pers...
Present-day reality and the perspectives of electronic communication in the future through the Internet at a local level are analysed through the experiences presented in this work. It also analyses the impact that the Internet has and will have as far...
During three sessions, a hundred long of communicators analyzed in the II Congress of Local Communication the present reality and the future perspectives of the radio and of the television that act in the local environment through a série of experi...
The press, the oldest means of communication among those that live together nowadays, has to face with serious unanswered questions about the rules that will indicate its evolution. The aim: to define its social role and position in a communicative market...
Different aspects we have to take into account if we want to exteriorise university services and to benefit from the university task to offer products outside its community: marketing, quality, financial external resources, formation by means of interacti...