Baserriko abereak lotarako prestatzen ari dira: txitatxoak plisti-plasta egiten du bainuontzian, ahatetxoak mokoa garbitzen du, behitxoak bere pijama gogokoena janzten du? azal-hegalak dituen liburua eta sorpresatxoak, lo goxo-goxo egiteko!
Una gran variedad de actividades inspiradas en una obra para que los niños se diviertan dibujando, uniendo puntos, resolviendo laberintos y mucho más con un rotulador de tinta borrable que se desliza fácilmente sobre las página...
A report on the archaeological and historical investigations undertaken at Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire. The town of Tutbury is situated on the eastern border of Staffordshire in central England some 15km south west of Derby and 6.5km north west of Burto...
Amb l?ajut de divertides activitats guiades per uns simpàtics monstres, els nens i les nenes practicaran els números fins al 10 i es familiaritzaran amb les sumes.
Polio became one of the iconic diseases of the 20th century because of its horrific impact on victims and society. Until effective vaccines were introduced, there was no protection against the infection, which could break into any home and paralyse or...
The second edition of this trusted, accessible textbook has been fully updated for the new A Level specifications first teaching in September 2015. It contains a bank of practice questions for consolidation of learning and to help students of all abi
The remarkably successful gold standard before 1914 was the first international monetary regime. This book addresses the experience of the gold standard peripheries; i.e. regime takers with limited influence on the regime. How did small countries adjust...