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Libros de GUS GORDON

  • Herman Y Rosie

    • 32 páginas
    • Había una vez una ciudad llena de gente, con una calle llena de gente y dos apartamentos muy pequeños donde vivían Herman Schuber y Rosie Bloom. Herman vivía en el séptimo piso. Le gustaban las plantas, tocar el oboe,...
    14,50€ 13,77€
  • Herman I Rosie

    • 32 páginas
    • Hi havia una vegada una ciutat plena de gent, amb un carrer ple de gent i dos apartaments molt petits on vivien Herman Schüber i Rosie Bloom. Herman vivia al setè pis. Li agradaven les plantes, tocar l'oboè, el iogurt de gerds, l'olor...
    14,50€ 13,77€
  • Whatever Happened To Thinking?

    • Gus Gordon resides in the back hills of Tennessee. He is a speaker for Food for the Poor and has written Solitude and Compassion, The Warrior’s Bible and Yeshua and Levinas. In this text he attempts to emphasize the urgent need of critic...
    15,98€ 15,19€
  • Lsd

    • Gus Gordon is officially a Catholic priest who preaches on weekends for Food for the Poor. In effect, however, he is "atopia" (unclassifiable) who aspires to the freedom of life in the manner of Ikkyu, Rabelais and Thomas Merton. The thread connecting...
    14,96€ 14,21€
  • Yeshua And Levinas

    • This study investigates the close affinities between two of the world’s greatest teachers: Yeshua of Nazareth and Emmanuel Levinas, a twentieth century philosopher. Essentially what they have in common is that they both pointed to a para...
    20,33€ 19,32€
  • 174,68€ 165,94€