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Libros de Gerard Aartsen

  • Ovnis Más Allá De La Escena

    • Como resultado de amplia desinformación, por estos días los investigadores de OVNIs y sus seguidores no sólo enfrentan el ridículo entre el público en general y los medios masivos hegemónicos sino que tambié...
    8,12€ 7,72€
  • Prioridades Para Un Planeta En Transición

    • Sin especulaciones arbitrarias ni sensacionalismo, este libro nos proporciona una gran cantidad de información acerca de la vida en otros planetas tal como fuesen relatadas por los contactados en todo el mundo. En el contexto de la situación...
    16,24€ 15,43€
  • Ufos And The Pioneers Of Oneness

    • Introducing a unique approach to UFO research. In this groundbreaking new..
    14,49€ 13,76€
  • Before Disclosure

    • As a result of widespread disinformation, present-day UFO researchers and enthusiasts are not just faced with derision among the general public and the mainstream media, but with rampant speculation about the extraterrestrial presence from within their...
    8,31€ 7,89€
  • The Sea Of Consciousness

    • - how the scientific paradigm is edging ever closer to the recognition that the manifestation of life may not be limited to the carbon-based reality that we know.
    11,09€ 10,53€
  • George Adamski - Letters To Emma Martinelli

    • After his time with the Royal Order of Tibet in the 1930s George Adamski lived a life of relative obscurity before he rose to world fame as the first flying saucer contactee to come forward in 1952.
    12,27€ 11,66€
  • Priorities For A Planet In Transition - The Space Brothers' Case For Justice And Freedom

    • Beyond speculation and sensationalism, this book brings together a significant body of authentic information about life on the other planets in our solar system, as reported by contactees the world over. By showing the similarities among the stories of...
    19,22€ 18,26€
  • Here To Help

    • Second, revised edition with seven of the photographs now in full colour. Exploring the facts behind the myths, this book reframes the debate about the reality of the space visitors in view of the unprecedented changes engulfing the world today. After...
    18,01€ 17,11€