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Libros de Gottfried Feder

  • Manifeste Pour Briser Les Chaã®nes De L’usure

    • Gottfried Feder écrivit en 1919 ce livre prophétique parce quil voulait alerter lopinion allemande sur le risque dhyperinflation. En 1923, lorsque la valeur du mark seffondra, tout le monde put vérifier quil avait...
    22,28€ 21,16€
  • Manifesto For Breaking The Financial Slavery To Interest

    • Gottfried Feder's "Manifesto For Breaking The Financial Slavery To Interest" is one of a series of three books by the important, albeit now obscure German campaigner against parasitic debt-finance-capitalism.
    20,50€ 19,48€
  • Manifesto For Breaking The Financial Slavery To Interest

    • 86 páginas
    • Gottfried Feder's "Manifesto For Breaking The Financial Slavery To Interest" is one of a series of three books by the important, albeit now obscure German campaigner against parasitic debt-finance-capitalism.
    25,34€ 24,08€
  • Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest-slavery

    • 102 páginas
    • From 1917 on, Feder studied financial politics and economics on his own after developing a hostility towards wealthy bankers during World War I and wrote a "manifesto on breaking the shackles of interest" ("Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft")...
    54,79€ 52,05€
  • Opposing The Money Lenders

    • 198 páginas
    • Opposing the Money Lenders is a collection of writings from some of the most determined fighters against usury and the Central Banking system during the 20th Century. Those included are Arthur Nelson Field, John A. Lee, John Hargrave, Ezra Pound, Father...
    27,86€ 26,47€
  • Hitler’s Official Programme Rle Responding To Fascism

    • In 1927 Hitler asked Gottfried Feder to formulate the official Programme of the German National Socialist Party. This English translation of the fifth German edition was first published in 1934.
    35,94€ 34,15€
  • 104,19€ 98,98€