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365 days. 5 years. 1,825 moments captured. In her best-selling book "The Happiness Project,"...
El autor de The Happiness Project One-Sentence Journal: A Five-Year Record, con isbn 978-0-307-88857-0, es Gretchen Rubin, esta publicación tiene trescientas sesenta y ocho páginas.
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El autor de The Happiness Project One-Sentence Journal: A Five-Year Record, con isbn 978-0-307-88857-0, es Gretchen Rubin, esta publicación tiene trescientas sesenta y ocho páginas.
Otros libros de Rubin, Gretchen son Four Tendencies, Outer Order, Inner Calm: Declutter And Organize To Make More Room For Happiness, The Happiness Project, Tenth Anniversary Edition: Or, Why I Spent A Year Trying To Sing In The Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle,, The Happiness Project Mini Posters: A Coloring Book: 20 Hand-lettered Quotes To Pull Out And Frame y Forty Ways To Look At Winston Churchill: A Brief Account Of A Long Life.