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El autor de Rascal Does Not Dream of a Lost Singer (Light Novel), con isbn 978-1-975318-51-2, es Hajime Kamoshida.
Otros libros de Hajime Kamoshida son Rascal Does Not Dream Of Santa Claus (light Novel): Volume 13, Rascal Does Not Dream Of Logical Witch (manga), Rascal Does Not Dream Of His Student (light Novel), Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Nightingale (light Novel), Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Knapsack Kid (light Novel), Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Sister Venturing Out (light Novel), Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl-senpai, Vol. 1 (light Novel) y Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Dreaming Girl (light Novel). Ver su bibliografía.